Upcoming events

Open air cinema on Av. Montchoisi

Saturday, August 24th 2024, 21:00-23:10, Av. Montchoisi

Soirée d’échecs: pour tous les goûts et tous les âges!

Mardi 3 septembre dès 18h au Mogador

Montchoisi Day — The avenue is yours!

Sunday, September 22nd 2024, Avenue de Montchoisi

General assembly of EnVie Montchoisi

Thursday, Octobrer 3rd 2024

Past events

Gardening at the Prairie garden

Wednesday, June 12th at 17:00 near the book booth

Gardening at the Arbre garden

Monday, June 10th at 17:30, in front of Ch. Chandieu 19

Gardening at the Prairie garden

Wednesday, June 5th at 17:00 near the book booth

Repair café at Servan childcare

Saturday May 25th 2024, 10:00-15:00, garderie du Servan

Gardening at the Prairie garden

Wednesday, May 22nd at 17:00 near the book booth

Gardening at the Arbre garden

Monday, May 6th at 17:30, in front of Ch. Chandieu 19

Gardening at the Prairie garden

Wednesday, May 1st at 17:00 near the book booth

Lantern procession in Montchoisi

Thursday, December 14th 2023 — leaving at 18:00 from Chandieu school

Montchoisi Days — The avenue is yours!

Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th September 2023, Avenue de Montchoisi

Share lunch with La Marche Bleue

Saturday, April 8th 2023, Av. Montchoisi

Lantern procession in Montchoisi

Tuesday, December 6th 2022 — leaving at 18:00 from Montchoisi school, 18:30 from Servan

Montchoisi Day — The avenue is yours!

Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th September 2022, Avenue de Montchoisi

Open air cinema on Av. Montchoisi

Saturday, August 20th 2022, 21:00-23:30, Av. Montchoisi

Guided tour of the Montchoisi shared gardens

Saturday, May 21st 2022, at 14:00, 15:00 and 16:00, starting in front of Tang-Roulou restaurant (Jurigoz bus stop)

Digital egg hunt

On EnVie Montchoisi web site, from Sunday, April 17th to Monday, April 18th

Waste collection in Montchoisi

Sunday, March 27th 2022, 10:30–12:30, meet in front of the Montolivet kiosk

Lantern procession in Montchoisi

Monday, December 6th 2021, leaving at 18:00 from the Montchoisi school playground

Montchoisi Day — The avenue is yours!

Sunday, September 19th 2021, Avenue de Montchoisi (between the round-about and chemin Eugène-Grasset)

Waste collection in Montchoisi

Sunday, May 9th 2021, 10:00–12:00, meet in front of the Montolivet kiosk

Participative construction of a dry stone garden wall

From April 14th to 17th, 2021, at the Arbre garden. Registration required.

Confined egg hunt

Online & confined, from Sunday, April 4th to Monday, April 5th

Montchoisi Day — The avenue is yours!

Sunday, September 20th 2020, Avenue de Montchoisi (between the round-about and chemin Eugène-Grasset)

Bois-Cerf gardening group meeting

Thursday, August 27th 2020, 18:30, on place (av. de l’Elysée)

Avenue Maria-Belgia piétonne

Samedi 15 et dimanche 16 août

Venez fêter le 1er août sur l’av. Montchoisi piétonne

Av. Montchoisi, samedi 1er août et dimanche 2 août

Construction d’un hôtel à insectes

Ch. Chandieu, 19 et 25 juillet de 15h à 18h

Appropriez-vous un bout du chemin Chandieu!

Les samedis et dimanches du 18.7 au 23.8

Bundling hazelnut branches

Sunday July 5th, from 10am, Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne

First general assembly of EnVie Montchoisi

Wednesday, July 1st 2020, APEMS, Chemin Chandieu 23

L’Arbre gardening group meeting

Saturday, February 16th 2020, 14:00, in front of Ch. Chandieu 19

Confined egg hunt

Online & confined, from Sunday, April 12th to Monday, April 13th

Presentation of budget participatif gardening projects

Monday, March 23rd 2020, 19:30, APEMS, Chemin Chandieu 23
Événement annulé en raison de l’épidémie de coronavirus

Visit of Chailly 2030 communal gardens

Sunday, February 23rd 2020, 13:00, maison de quartier de Chailly, av. de la Vallonnette 12

Bois-Cerf gardening group meeting

Saturday, February 15th 2020, 15:00, Zooburger restaurant, Av. Mont-Loisir 16

L’Arbre gardening group meeting

Thursday, February 13th 2020, 19:00, in front of Ch. Chandieu 19

Prairie gardening group meeting

Saturday, February 8th 2020, 10:30 near the future book box

Parc Rongimel gardening group meeting

Thursday, February 6th 2020, 8:45 at the Mogador café, in front of parc Rongimel

L’Arbre gardening group meeting

Monday, February 3rd 2020, 18:30, in front of Ch. Chandieu 19

Introduction to gardening of tree bases

Monday, February 3rd 2020, 19:30, APEMS, Chemin Chandieu 23

Bois-Cerf gardening group meeting

Saturday, February 1st 2020, 15:30, Zooburger restaurant, Av. Mont-Loisir 16

Parc Rongimel gardening group meeting

Tuesday, January 28th 2020, 8:45 at parc Rongimel

Jardins Montchoisi neighbourhood meeting

Monday, January 13th 2020, 19:30, APEMS, Chemin Chandieu 23

Lantern procession in Montchoisi

Wednesday, December 18th 2019, leaving at 19:00 from the Montchoisi school playground

Waste collection in Montchoisi

Sunday, September 17th 2019, 10:00–13:00, meet in front of the Montolivet kiosk

Montchoisi Day — The avenue is yours!

Sunday, September 22nd 2019, Avenue de Montchoisi (between the round-about and avenue de Mon-Loisir)

Help us measure our future garden

Sunday June 30th, 17:00 in front of the Zooburger restaurant, Av. Mont-Loisir 16

Permaculture workshop

Festival de la Terre, June 15th 2019, 10:00–11:30 (no fee)

Contest: Fleurissez votre ville

Registration deadline: June 10th 2019

Come create the garden of your dreams

Sunday June 9th, 11:30 in front of the Zooburger restaurant, Av. Mont-Loisir 16

Neighbourhood meeting

May 27th 2019 at 19:00, APEMS, Chemin Chandieu 23

Collective gardening day

May 26th 2019, from 9:30, Montchoisi school, av. Montchoisi 41